SALT Weekly: A bi(?) monthly alternative

Exploit the cavernous niche vacated locally by those that are seeking more MOR (middle-of-the-road) BS (yep) fluff click-bait. Not afraid to throw punches but not petty (when to allow nom-de-plumes vis-a-vis nom-de-guerres when the casus belli IS the M.O.?). Tough question when you’re being asked to fork it over, but you really have to spoonfeed.

Combining critical with the satirical, visual and literary arts, reviews, write-ups, intelligent discourse.

We're the salt in the uninformed wound, curing the dead meat, lining the sweet wet rim for your total palate pleasure.


Wanna shake up the town?

Let’s do it together.

Subscribe here:

In a town where conspicuous consumption and conspicuous creativity often overlap, we invite the community to help create its own content. Submissions  through the contact page are open for (A)political short-form, illustrations, original art, literary explorations (in short story, poetry, short prose, longer work could potentially be serialized), reviews, criticism, theoretical and ethical discussion, and doodles.

Find us going overboard in the underground.

Find us going overboard in the underground.

cover 0.PNG

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LTD. EDITION run only available at select events. Meet us out in the streets, tents, fairs, crawls, openings, and openings wider. Keep your eyes peeled and keep brining on.

INCL.: cover art by Zach Hobbs, interactive cutout masks by Alex Lockwood, new literary assemblages of Daniel Pujol, an apology from Jon Sewell for running for mayor, a letter to Marsha Blackburn, a communique recipe from the group that did the new make-up job on the Nathan Bedford Forrest Statue, a Birdcloud comic by Doug Leonard, original art from Tony Sobota and Dylan Moss, and an in-depth exclusive investigation into sightings of the notoriously slippery Swamp Halford.

First batch also comes with a Risoprint cover run by Risology Club.

Issue #00 December 2018


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LTD. EDITION as we prepare for the beginning of the end of the project.

INCL.: cover art by Hal Hefner, interactive ornament centerfold cutouts and another installment of the Birdcloud & Kid Rickets from Doug Leonard, new literary assemblages of Daniel Pujol, a speech to council from Jon Sewell, a justification for an ethical turn from Mr. Christmas, an anonymous letter to #METOO, a letter from “Dad,” comic criticism from Josh Lambert. Original artwork from Tony Sobota, Frank Hand, Lindsy Davis, and Grant Gasser. Original literary productions from Joe Nolan, Margaret Jane Joffrion, Sticker Gitters, Dystopian Refugee, Banana Hammock, and Crud Phlegming

Packaged in a Polybag with a Risoprinted cover poster around the zine, a Classifieds mini-zine, and a prompting mini-SALT.


Issue 51 “WON: Worst of Nashville” April 2019

Pinch here for free SALT51 Download


Issue 50 “School’s Out” June 2019

Pinch here for SALT50 Download


Mayoral Forum at DRKMTTR July 2019

It was an event to remember and dismember the arguments against political inclusion, provided by more conventional outlets.

It was an event to remember and dismember the arguments against political inclusion, provided by more conventional outlets.

Issue 49 “School’s In” End of August 2019

(in manga layout form)

Pinch here for free SALT49 Download


Issue 48 “Vampire State Building” October 2019

Pinch here for free SALT48 Download


Nashville Design Week: “Behind the Zines” infopanel, November 2019

Contact us for free Download of RAW AUDIO of the panel.

Contact us for free Download of RAW AUDIO of the panel.

Issue 47 “Blood” December 2019

Pinch here for free SALT47 Download


includes first two guest editors, Dr. Lauren Brown and Sara Lederach, with Catamenia subprompt:


Issue 46 “Walls” February 2020

Pinch here for free SALT46 Download


Issue 45 “Worst of Nashville 2020: Quaranzine” April 2020

Pinch here for free SALT45 Download when available.


LTD. Edition Run of Rolls for the wiping of the times.

Released at the SALT Mutual Aid Society fundraiser for artists in November 2020.

Packaged in a tissue-paper covered roll into with the zine placed at the core. Feel free to use the outside toilet paper as intended by manufacturer. Zine contents for Worst of Nashville 2 (WON2) intended for mental wiping. In case of emergency, go to the core.

Issue 44 “New Fakes” March 2021

Pinch here for free SALT44 Download when available.


LTD Edition of an unlimited size delves into the whats real and what’s not.

LTD Addition of the first “Nashville Banned” asking what your local press presses for. With a lede-ing question from the negative of Jeff Fauxworthy, letting you know what you might be given certain conditions.

Issue 43 “Old Real (Estates)” June 2021

Pinch here for free SALT43 Download.

In New Nashville, the Old Real estate empires are the alternative?

In New Nashville, the Old Real estate empires are the alternative?

The Old Nashville growing older, throbbing, unconnected, disconnected, reconnected, irritated, turned around, drifting away: Drift thru it.

The Old Nashville growing older, throbbing, unconnected, disconnected, reconnected, irritated, turned around, drifting away: Drift thru it.

In the style of our favorite local hobnobbin hobby, real estate- we bring the ‘real’ drifting thru the urban landscape. a playful inscape thru the exterior environment, a psycho-geographical twist thru town: A map to the stars within.

Issue 42.0 “Smoke” July 2021

Smoking, simmering visual and literary embers from some of Nashville’s finest

Smoking, simmering visual and literary embers from some of Nashville’s finest

42 insert.jpg

Packaged in a baggy for familiarity’s sake. Cover printed on vellum for elevation of the conversation. Comes with a RAW rolling paper bookmark in case you lose your way…

Issue 41 “Twin Prime Real Estate” Sept 2021

Pinch HERE for a free Salt41 download

Risograph cover by Tony Sobota and printed by Risology Club

With so much mental landscape in this town embedded in the mental development of physical space, we revisit the prime real estate with a continuation of 43 with its twin prime 41, for one goal- the local obsession, the focal impression, the vocal aggression in literary in session.

Issue 40 “Over the Hilloween” Oct 2021

Cover by Dominic Baker, printed on candy wrapper paper for a Halloween trick and treat.

As they say, “Lordy, Lordy, looks who’s forty.” So lets fortify for a new masking, the masquerade of aging.

Issue 39 “Golden Ramses” Dec 2021

Cover art by a former employee printed with gold foil for the shining bright.

The golden guiding star of financial gifts blinding in its brilliance gets us through ther cover whence more delights await inside, including a 4 page spread on the National Black Poetry Day Festival organized by Po Boys n Poets, a celebration of the recipients of the SALT microgrant mutual aid society, and a sneak peek at an artist residency in the woods.

Issue 38 “Love Over Gold” Feb 2022

cover art by Rae Yo Young putting eyes on the prize

Maybe there’s more than selling stuff after all?

Issue 37 “April Foolin: WON again” April 2022

Cover printed by Risology Club. Bright orange swath with Reflective Tape. Reflect. Ltd. Ed.

In our annual appreciation of the good, bad, and Worst of Nashville, we have to say we all WON something. From hate/indifference mail, gatekeeper coolkids shaking down non-profits for ad space in exchange for “featured” articles, and millionaires asking for donations there’s plenty of chuckle at. Were all winners here! Do you know anyone who is the WON? Let’s process together.

Issue (3)6 “Devil Stuff” June 2022

Cover run on both a reflective silver chrome substrate and on commercial see-thru vellum.

When they get holy, we get into the flames. In the details is a hell of a time! Printed on a legal format folded longwise, we embrace the advocacy of the diabolical. From the first will of DeathStyle Journalism, thru the interview of a Capitol correspondent, poetry and short stories, issue (3)6 ferries the waters of liminal turbulence.

Issue 35 “Bromide” Aug 2022

Bro, mine! At atomic number 35 the stink rises and this issue is volatile at room temp. Reacting to the burning of issue 3-6, bromine’s most common application is a flame retardant, so we can simmer down now. “Large amounts of bromide salts are toxic from the action of soluble bromide ions, causing bromism,” formerly responsible for 5-10% of psychiatric hospital admissions.

Risograph cover designed and printed by Anachronistic Media Workshop presents a crystal of an issue that refracts the history of local independent print projects in Nashville, even back to the ‘60s, when bromide salts were still psychiatrically cool man, and brings us thru to the solubility of modern times thru short stories, poetry, and historical crystallizations of salinity.

Number: 104 Oct 2022

As part of our mission to keep print alive, SALT put out the 104th incarnation of one of the longest running independent arts journals focusing on art and artists in the South. Started in Memphis in 1987, Number continues to engage a unique landscape with critical artistic voices. For artists, by artists.

Design and layout - Daniel Pujol; Interim Editor- Jon Sewell

Find more info at

Issue 3/4 “Waltz” Dec 2022

Care to dance the Tennessee or the Viennese?

Issue 33.3 “Flexus” Feb 2023

Featuring a 7” fluxi insert, we tap into a long artistic tradition and get our flex on.

Cover desgined and riso-printed by Anachronistic Media Workshop.

Issue 32.1 “Countdown” Apr 2023

Looking forward to the inevitable death of SALT.

Issue 31 “Not Unlucky” Aug 2023

Will the real Bill Lee please stand up?

Issue 30 “Never Trust Anyone Over” Oct 2023

5 years of Salt celebrated in newsprint.

Issue 29 “The Winter of Salt-content” Dec 2023

In the bleak pre-winter, we grew too content to catalog our discontent, miscreants writing copy for the self consumption!

Issue 28 “Pleasure” Feb 2024

Guest editor Wendy French Barrett guides us:

“Pleasure is resistance, so keep up the good werk with us.”

Issue 27 “I Question Nashville” April 2024

Timed with a mutual aid installment. All the newsprint we could pay for.